
If you experience any technical issues whilst booking, please call 8593-3177 or email [email protected]

$ 0.00


Credit Card / Direct Deposit / Active Kids or Creative Kids Vouchers.

Direct Deposit

If you wish to make partial payments with your vouchers, simply upload your vouchers and pay the remainder via direct debit to the account below.
Bank: NAB Account Name: Education Kingdom BSB: 082-356 Account Number: 93-594-1682 Reference: Your child’s name (Please email your payment record to [email protected] for booking confirmation.)
As limited spots are available, this camp is run on a first come first served basis. I understand that my spot will only be reserved once full payment has been made. All payments are non-refundable and non-transferrable. However, if Education Kingdom are to cancel the Holiday Camp as per the NSW Health Dept guidelines, Education Kingdom will refund the paid amount, excluding any transaction fees paid to a third-party financial institution. Change in days can only be made if notice is given and spots are available. Education Kingdom reserves the right to postpone, cancel or to vary the program(s) to deal with any unforeseen circumstances. I understand that whilst every measure will be taken by Education Kingdom to prevent physical injury, this is still a potential risk of participation. I hereby indemnify Education Kingdom or its staff against any claim by me on behalf of the above-named child in relation to any injury sustained to my child’s person or any damage sustained to their property. Should a child require medical assistance or hospital treatment, I hereby authorise the Education Kingdom staff to obtain this assistance if needed.
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